How much does it cost to register with Bus and Coach Centre Auctions?

It is completely free to register with Bus and Coach Centre Auctions. Most auction lots will have a reserve price.

How do I know whether the auction lot has a reserve price?

Unless stated most auction lots will have a reserve price.

Are there any extra fees after winning a bid?

There are no extra fees after winning a bid. All bids are not inclusive of VAT.

Is there the option to follow up with the seller if the auction does not meet the reserve price?

We are the intermediary between the seller and buyer. Please contact us directly for information on unsold lots.

How long after winning a bid can I collect/receive the vehicle?

Vehicles will be available for 7 days after the end of an auction. Once 7 days have been exceeded there is a charge of £20+VAT per additional day the vehicle is in storage.

How can I ask the seller a question about the vehicle?

Please direct all questions to auctions@busandcoachcentre.co.uk or telephone 01865 570775.

Will ‘Sniping’ be possible on Bus and Coach Centre Auctions?

‘Sniping’ is where a bidder places a last second bid before an auction ends. This will not be possible on Bus and Coach Centre Auction. When a bid is placed the auction will automatically be extended by 5 minutes.

Can I withdraw a bid?

All bids are binding and cannot be withdrawn.

What happens at the end of an auction if I have won the bidding?

You will be contacted by a member of our team. An invoice will be sent to you and payment will be processed.

Is there a buyer’s premium?

There is no buyer’s premium.

Is there VAT, Duties and other Taxes?

There is VAT on all lots at the prevailing rate, unless stated otherwise.